Investment in Social Media is a Necessity.

Investing in your time and resources for a social media strategy to promote and sell your book is most definitely a necessity. As an author, you are a business and your book is the product you are marketing to the public. Studies show that Businesses who integrate their social media efforts with their content strategy and are seeing the impact of social media regarding lead generation, referral traffic, and revenue. Any author that is serious about selling his or her book knows that the social media outlets cannot be overlooked because they are a useful and powerful promotional tool. Empire Publishing will set up all the social marketing accounts needed for you to get your book in the public eye and on the right path to selling your title to the proper target market.
We make hassle and stress-free for you, quickly, and easily. We create an attractive banner and cover photo from your book to incorporate with all your independent social media outlets and network them together. Empire Publishing places content posts, images and “Buy Now” buttons for your book.
The benefits of social media are many, but they include:
Improved social signals (which are a factor in the search-ranking algorithm), Author (book) branding, Improved brand awareness, Word-of-mouth advertising, Increased customer loyalty and trust, Improved audience reach and influence. Social media is also one of the three pillars of SEO (search engine optimization to get your a higher ranking).
The Best Social Media Package Available!
The social media packages that our competitors offer only contain four platforms. Our package utilizes 11 of the leading social media platforms to give your book maximum exposure, including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, AboutMe, VK Europe, WordPress, and StumbledUpon.
Social Media Package Includes:
Custom Banner/Header
Author Photograph
Custom Background
Author Bio
Photo of Book Cover
Embed Youtube Video*
Links to Book eStore and Website
Book Synopsis
Cross Link Social Media Networks
*Does not include video production
Price $599.
For questions please contact us 702-292-4638

Social Media Networks
Pick 2 Package Price:
To discuss what is best for your book, please call 702-292-4638 or email
Social Media Package Includes:
Custom Banner/Header
Author Photograph
Custom Background
Author Bio
Photo of Book Cover
Embed Youtube Video*
Links to Book eStore and Website
Book Synopsis
Quotes/Reviews (If supplied)
Cross Link Social Media Networks
*Does not include video production