Modern Marketing – QR Codes

QR Codes are the new wave of modern advertising. Imprint your personal code onto any media and when someone takes a snapshot with their smartphone, it takes them directly to any web address in the code.
QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the future in advertising that is here now. The QR Code has become a focus of advertising strategy since it provides quick and effortless access to the brand\’s website or sales channel. The QR Code will assist an author in generating book sales as consumers with a camera phone can scan the image of the QR Code to open a web page (author website) in the telephone\’s browser without any delay. QR Codes benefit an author by placing it on any form of advertising such as fliers, sell sheets, posters, and banners.
It has been proven that consumers will only view an advertisement for 3 seconds and then move onto something else. Within those 3 seconds, the potential buyer can snap a picture of your QR Code, save in a folder, and come back to it later to spend more time looking into the author\’s product. It\’s a fast-paced world, and an author needs to use every advantage available. Empire Publishing will create your personal QR Code and imprint it on any of the other paid marketing services you choose to do with us.

Place QR Code on any item.
Scan with a Smartphone.
Instantly goes to website or sales channel.
Go to your app store and download the free QR Code reader.