ISBN Barcode
What\’s an ISBN?
An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a unique 10- or 13-digit number assigned to every published book. An ISBN identifies a title\’s edition, publisher, and physical properties such as trim size, page count, and binding type. ISBN\’s are required for all published work.
How are ISBN\’s used?
Bookstores, retailers, and libraries identify books by their ISBNs. We print an ISBN barcode on the lower back right corner of every book we manufacture. If you are self-publishing, we need to answer the most asked question about ISBN numbers, which is, \”Am I locked into not being able to re-release my book if I am offered a publishing contract by another publisher?\” The answer is, \”No you are not.\” Worst case scenario is all you may be required to do is change the title of your book. No changes to the interior would need to be made.

What are your ISBN options?
You have three ISBN options: you can either use an Assigned ISBN, a Custom Universal ISBN* or you can use your own ISBN.
Empire Assigned – Free
Empire Publishing or Independently Published is your book\’s imprint of record. If you select or Amazon\’s European websites as distribution, this imprint will be reflected on your book\’s detail page.
You can sell your book through, Amazon\’s European websites, a publisher direct eStore, and all Expanded Distribution channels.
This ISBN can only be used with Empire Publishing. You are not limited to publishing on other digital platforms which may or may not require an ISBN.
Your Book\’s ISBN information will be registered with
Custom ISBN – $125
You choose your book\’s imprint of record. If you select or Amazon\’s European websites as distribution, this imprint will be reflected on your book\’s detail page.
You can sell your book through, Amazon\’s European websites, a publisher direct eStore, and all Expanded Distribution channels.
Your Book\’s ISBN information will be registered with
Provide Your Own ISBN
You can purchase your own ISBN from Bowker or through your local ISBN agency.
If you are reprinting your book, the title, author name, and binding type must remain the same. A new edition requires a new ISBN.
Your book\’s imprint must match what\’s on file with your ISBN.
You can sell your book through any distributor of you choice.
* Available to U.S.-based members only. Before purchasing a Custom or Custom Universal ISBN option, you must agree to the Bowker Terms and Conditions.