Free eBook Publishing
Empire Publishing wants to give every author the opportunity to get published. We know that there are many people, especially in this economy that just do not have the financial resources to publish a book on their own. It is very costly and now that traditional publishers are pulling back on signing new authors, it’s almost impossible to get a contract. Even you were lucky enough to be offered one, it may not be the best route to go if you are looking to make money. See “why choose us.” Independent authors are raking in hundreds to thousands of dollars per month on Kindle eBooks alone. Don’t be left out of this booming market. We are offering a start-up publishing service to you with no out of pocket expense. Your eBook will also be available for PC download, Barnes & Nobel’s Nook and on Apple readers such as the iPad and iPhone.
This service is to help young authors get started. Empire Publishing will check the format your MS Word doc and format it to meet the digital ePub requirements. You can either provide us with the cover (Jpeg) or our design department will build a basic cover for you (included in the package).
Special #1 can upgrade the cover with an add-on Budget Cover design for a more personal look to reflect the interior. Once we are finished, we will then publish your eBook on Amazon for the Kindle reader and Barnes & Nobel for the Nook. At that point, you are a published author.
Now don’t get too excited just yet. As you know, nothing is ever really free. Amazon will take their commission right off the top of any sales. That is the case with any book, print or digital sold on Amazon. However, Amazon is the largest book distributor and is where most book buyers shop. Your book will be published by Empire Publishing and we retain 40% (special #1) -and 60% (special #2) of the royalties.
You will receive a quarterly sales statement, and your royalties will be paid to you by Empire Publishing. At the end of the year, you will be sent the required tax forms for your earned income. Please note that it can take up to 7 days after your eBook is published for it to appear on and 14 days for Barnes & Noble.
Free Publishing Submit Form
Terms and Conditions
*Note: Empire Publishing does not guarantee that all books submitted will be eligible for free publishing. We have the right to deny some material without lengthy explanation. Basic book cover includes one round of free corrections. Fees will be added if more changes are required.