Expanded eBook Distribution
Smashwords is the world’s largest distributor of indie eBooks and distributes to the world’s largest eBook retailers. Over 70,000 serious writers and independent publishers distribute with Smashwords. Many Smashwords authors are previously published in print through mainstream publishers or have had their works published in well-respected literary journals. Authors and publishers earn 85% or more of the net proceeds from the sale of their works. Net proceeds to author = (sales price minus PayPal payment processing fees)*.85 for sales at Smashwords retail operation. Authors receive 70.5% of affiliate sales. Smashwords distributes books to most of the major retailers, including Apple iBooks, Sony, Kobo, Diesel, Page Foundry, Overdrive, Flipkart, Oyster, and Scribd. Sales originated by retailers earn authors/publishers 60% of the list price. To put these high royalty rates in perspective, it means if an author has a book they might otherwise publish via a traditional commercial publisher as a $8.00 mass market paperback, which would earn a 40 cent royalty, they could publish the same book at Smashwords as an eBook and earn up to $6.45 or 16 times more. Or, they could price their eBook on Smashwords for $3.99 and make nearly eight times the per unit amount compared to selling a traditionally published print book.
There are no hidden fees. Smashwords gets a small commission on all net sales. Their commission is 10% of the retail price for sales through our retail distribution network (Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, etc.) and library distribution network (Baker & Taylor Axis360, 3M Cloud Library, and others coming) and at the Smashwords store, 15% of the net for sales or 18.5% of sales that are originated by affiliate marketers.
Smashwords turns traditional authorship, publishing and pricing models upside down. With 85% of the net purchase price going to the author/publisher, author/publishers can charge readers significantly less for their works than would otherwise be possible through traditional print channels while making a greater per-unit profit on each book. When costs to the reader drop, there is a fundamental change to the demand side of the equation. This creates a virtuous cycle of more per-unit profit for the author/publisher, lower prices for consumers, and greater demand and consumption for written works. It’s a win-win for authors and readers.
The best part is that there is no exclusive contract. They are solely a distributor. However, to publish an ebook with Smashwords it requires extensive formatting of the eBook that takes many hours to accomplish. If not done correctly, the book will be repeatedly rejected. This is where we come in to help.
Empire Publishing sets up your Smashwords distribution account, royalty payments and properly formats your eBook to meet Smashwords requirements, and publishes it online. Also included are embedding your book Youtube trailer, inserting author bio, photos, website and blog addresses. Once we are finished, we hand the keys over to you, and you are in full control of your book sales and royalties. You will also be able to monitor your sales by using your Smashwords Dashboard.
Expanded-S Distribution is included with the Titanium Como-Publishing package and the Platinum eBook Publishing.
Make your payment and we take it from there.
Send your manuscript in an MS Word 2007 Document or lower and cover photo to
Books under 80,000 words
Price $150.
Books over 80,000 words
Price $225.